For more information on your PCA options please contact the office at 763-231-2045For mFor more information on your PCA options please contact the office at 763-231-2045ore information on your PCA options please contact the office at 763-231-2045
Homemaker: Services that help a person manage general cleaning and household activities. There are three homemaker services:
• Homemaker/cleaning
• Homemaker/home management
• Homemaker/assistance with activities of daily living
Homemaking/Home Management includes light houseke
The person may receive homemaker services when either:
• The person is unable to manage the general cleaning and household activities
• The primary caregiver who is regularly responsible for these activities is unable to manage them or is temporarily absent.
Covered Services:
A person can receive any of the three types of homemaker services (cleaning, home management or assistance with ADLs).
All homemaker providers may monitor the person’s wellbeing while in the home, including home safety.
Homemaker/cleaning services include light housekeeping tasks. Homemaker/cleaning providers deliver home cleaning and laundry services.
Home management
Homemaker/home management providers deliver home cleaning services and, while onsite, provide assistance with home management activities as needed. Home management activities may include assistance with:
• Arranging for transportation
• Laundry
• Meal preparation
• Shopping for food, clothing and household supplies
• Simple household repairs.
Assistance with ADLs
Homemaker/assistance with ADLs providers deliver cleaning services and, while onsite, provide assistance with ADLs as needed. Assistance with ADLs includes assistance with the following:
• Ambulating
• Bathing
• Dressing
• Eating
• Grooming
• Toileting